Doors open @ 4:00pm for progressive jackpot and pull tab tickets purchase
Doors open at 4:00 pm Pull Tab Game sales 4:00 pm to 6:45 pm Jackpot Games 6:45 pm to approximately 7:15 pm Bingo Games start right after Jackpot Games (approximately) 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm Bar is open from 4:00pm to Half Time. Kitchen is open beginning at 5:30pm and closes at Halftime. |
No Bingo 2/18 due to extremely cold weather
Next Bingo Night: February 25th Next 1/2 Price Night: Tuesday, 4/29/25 Check out our Calendar of Events for Other American Legion Activities, Events, and Rentals!
BINGO Night Winnings
There are 3 games with cash prizes starting at $200 and 2 starting at $1000. Three (3) games increase $50 each week (Double Action, Flamin' Pony & Lucky 7) and two (2) games (Trifecta & Exacta) increase $100 each week until there is a winner. If there is no winner in the named game that night, the prize money rolls over to the next week. The current jackpots are:
Current Jackpots:The Flamin' Pony jackpot for 2/25 is $700
The Double Action jackpot for 2/25 is $850 The Lucky 7 jackpot for 2/25 is $200 The TriFecta jackpot for 2/25 is $3,900 The Exacta jackpot for 2/25 is $1,600 A total of $7,250 !!
Also, there are Pull Tab tickets for payouts ranging from $100 to $500 sold on the floor by our member volunteers and instant "pull tab" tickets for payouts ranging up to $350 sold from the self-serve pull tab machine.
Note: All prizes are based on a minimum player attendance of 75 players. If there are less than 75 players, games prizes are 1/2 the regular prize amount, except for jackpots. Please contact, Bob Hahn, our Bingo Manager, with any questions or suggestions. He may be found in the Bingo Hall on Tuesday nights. |